Unique & Easy ways to boost your Immunity

During the pandemic(COVID-19), all of us have one particular thing in common besides masks that is seeking ways to boost our immunity. Barely have we been this sincere about our immunity and health up until this pandemic. It is needless to mention how important it is to strengthen our immunity at this point when the number of infections is getting higher by the day.

easy and easy ways to improve your Immunity                                                 Immunity, which is our body’s defense mechanism, works day in day out to combat the pathogen, viruses, and bacteria which can cause illness & disease. To make sure that it works potentially, we also need to provide it with adequate support.

Easy ways to boost your Immunity


After some research, I have come up with some unique & easy ways which are backed up with science, to boost our immunity by strengthening it.  


1) Stomach acid:- 

Apart from food digestion the acid in our stomach also keeps us protected from all kinds of infections. The pathogens can not survive in the acidic medium of the stomach and soon die. Eat easily digestible food and avoid overeating This will help in maintaining the level of stomach acid (HCL). Using ginger in your diet also helps to maintain its level by helping in the digestion.


2) Healthy Fats

The cells of our body mostly consist of fatty acids which are the first barrier from any pathogen try to invade.  The body requires an adequate amount of fat in the function of maintenance for that upper defensive layer. Eat healthy fats like the seed, nuts, butter, cheese to fulfill the required amount of fat in the body


 3) Vitamin A:- 

It is Vitamin A and water that helps to build the mucus layer mucus in our eyes and nose. This mucus layer prevents the unnecessary dust dirt and the pathogens from entering by sticking to them. So we need to fulfill our daily intake of VitA.

4) Vitamin C:-  One of the important activities of Vitamin C rich food is it promotes the growth of phagocytes which are the cells that protect us from harmful foreign particles. It works as garbage disposal of our body. That why it is advised to increase the intake of Vitamin C for faster recovery from any disease.


5) Sunshine-: 

The pathogens can not stand the heat. In the presence of heat, they start getting destroyed. The heat from the sun not only provides us heat but also a great source of Vitamin D, another immune-boosting compound. Take 5 to 10 mins of early morning sunbath will helpful to meet the requirement.


 6) Build upon good bacteria colony:- 

Building a good bacteria colony in our stomach will help us fight against bad bacteria and results in improving immunity. Introduce fermented food, yogurt, pickle in your diet to build a good bacteria colony.


7) Fasting:- 

This is one of the most effective ways to detoxify your body.  During fasting, the body gets an opportunity to cleanse itself thoroughly as its energy is not being wasted in the digestion.  You can incorporate fasting for health betterment which will contribute to boosting immunity


8) Get your goodnight sleep:- 

Our body conducts its repairing process during our sleeping hours. Thus it is very important to follow our body clock.  Limiting your late nights will help you provide a quality sleep which in turn supports the body to carry out the repairing process smoothly.


 9) Keeping stress low:- 

It will be unfair to say that we need to get off stress as its barely possible but we must try to lower it as much as possible since its harmful effects in the body are known to all. Involve yourself in daily exercise, yoga, and other hobbies to keep your stress levels in check.


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