6 Essential Body Skincare Tips-


6 Essential Body Skincare tips-


Hello and welcome back to my blog. Having all dressed up & ready For some special occasion when we take a glace in the mirror and realize our hands, neck and other parts of body are not as displayable as that of the face. An uneven complexion, dryness, and lack of luster, kind of destroy the whole look. Therefore, its incumbent on us to take care of our body in the same manner as that of the face so that they complement each other.


1. Regular oil massage

Massaging oil all over your body gives it a radiant and glossy look. It helps in blood circulation and opening the pores which ultimately helps to keep the body skin healthy. Take some oil of your choice preferably olive oil or coconut oil, lather all over your skin then massage it for 2 mins and end it with a nice shower.



2. Pay attention to your elbows 

Area around elbows are more susceptible to blackening and accumulate layers of dry dead skin. These areas need proper scrubbing and moisturizing. I use a DIY scrub that works on both removals of dead skin and skin whitening. Cut a tomato into half. Take it’s one part, put some sugar and scrub your elbows and knees with this. Wait for 5 mints to let it dry then wash it and follow it with a good moisturizer.


3. Don’t miss on hands-

 We express ourselves the most with our hands and therefore they need much more care. If you spend most of your time in the kitchen often in contact with water, consider using gloves. When done with kitchen work, cleanse your hands and apply a good quality hand cream. This will keep them soft and moisturized. If possible, get a manicure done once in a month.


4 Neck care:-

 Neck area has a tendency towards dryness which is ultimately prone to wrinkles. Whenever applying moisturizer to your face, stretch it till neck, this trick will take care of the skin on the neck area to a larger extent.



 5. Feet care

 Our feet which bear our weight for the whole are the most neglected. If taken little care we can push away those cracked heels we get because of our negligence.  Do wash your feet before hitting the bed. If possible apply some petroleum jelly on your cracked heel for softer and smoother feeling feet.

 6. Sunscreen application to all exposed areas

Wheather riding a bike or taking a short walk during day time, our hands and neck are mostly exposed directly to the sun. To avoid sun damage use a broad-spectrum sunscreen to all exposed areas




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